What Is Estate Planning?

Estate planning, at its simplest level, is creating a plan that lays out your objectives for what you wish to happen during your incapacity (illness or injury) and upon your death. Read More Here….

What Documents Are Involved In Estate Planning?

Basic Estate Planning begins with a Will or Trust as the foundation of the Plan. It should also include:

  • Powers of Attorney
  • A Living Will
  • HIPAA Authorization

What Is Probate?

Probate is the process of proving up the Will, determining the heirs, paying off the creditors, and distributing assets. Read More Here….

How Long Does Probate Take?

Probate typically lasts between 6 months and one year; however many factors can impact the length of time the process takes. The goal of estate planning is to help the process go smoothly and as quickly as possible. Read More Here….

Can’t I Avoid Probate With A Will?

NO! The Will simply serves as a guide in the Probate Court. You can avoid Probate with a properly funded Living Trust.

Do I Really Need An Attorney?

The death of a loved one can be an emotional and stressful time. Trying to administer an estate without help just adds to the stress. An Estate Attorney in Colorado Springs can ease that burden so you can focus on the things that are truly important – like preserving the memory of a loved one.

Give The Vinton Law Firm a call today and let an experienced Attorney handle your Estate Planning and Probate needs.


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